Rome Celebrates Diocesan Day of the Catholic School

VATICAN CITY (VIS) – Following the Angelus prayer recited with pilgrims assembled in St. Peter's Square on Sunday, the Holy Father greeted the administrators, teachers, students and parents of Rome's Catholic schools celebrating the Diocesan Day of the Catholic School on the theme “Family, School, Community. Together for Educating to a Project of Life.”

Noting the “integral vision of the human person that Catholic schools offer to young people,” John Paul II thanked “all those who live and work in Catholic schools,” and said he “hopes that every family will have the concrete possibility to choose this type of school for its own children. I express appreciation for the quality of service that is given and for the tenacity and spirit of sacrifice with which current difficulties are being faced. I encourage everyone to pursue this precious mission which is well inserted in the diocesan pastoral program on the theme of vocations.”

(This update courtesy of Vatican Information Service.)

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