Rising Above the Clouds

by Deborah P. Kolodji

Reaching out for God through a dense, grey fog,

lost in a sea of little doubt droplets,

I caught a glimpse of truth, a brief prologue;

fog lifting into stratus cloud blankets,

& I started to see blue sky patches.

Cumulous clouds rolled in, shaped distractions

fluffy wishes parading in batches

across the sky, seeing my temptations

become thunderclouds, raining away sin.

After the storm, wispy cirrus doubts try

to cloud my faith, but I resist, & then

I see His Love shining in the blue sky.

Deborah Kolodji's poetry has been published in St. Anthony Messenger magazine and online at Catholic Planet. Her story, “A Gift Runs Through Me,” was recently published in the anthology Charity: True Stories of Giving and Receiving. The anthology is available on the Virtue Victorious webpage.

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