Right-to-Lifers Hoping to “Shake the Nation Back to Life”

by Rusty Pugh

(AgapePress) – A coalition of over twenty pro-family groups has launched an aggressive campaign to further the pro-life cause.

Janet Folger heads the Center for Reclaiming America, based in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. She says it is time for pro-lifers to become proactive.

Folger says in order to combat the misinformation campaign waged by pro-abortion forces, pro-lifers need to realize that acting defensively and only reacting will not get the job done.

“Everything we have worked for, all of the rallies you have gone to, all of the legislation, all of the letters you have written to the editor, it is all, I believe, leading from this point on,” she says.

“That's why we're involved in what's called the 'Shake the Nation Back to Life' campaign. We've joined with the American Family Association and over twenty other groups to respond to the ads that are on television. Only, it's not a response in a defensive way — it's a proactive pro-life campaign that we are launching, as well as a campaign where we will be a voice for the voiceless.”

Folger says one of the main goals of the campaign is to convince President Bush to appoint Supreme Court justices who are pro-life.

“We must fill every single vacancy with a justice who will protect life, or we won't see children protected in our lifetime. And that's the bottom line,” she says.

Folger believes everything pro-lifers have worked for has come down to what she calls a “critical time” in which future Supreme Court justices could determine the fate of millions of unborn children.

(This update courtesy of Agape Press.)

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