Restoring the Use of the Prayers of Pope Leo XIII after Mass

Dear Friend in Jesus Christ our King,

We would like to present you with a special gift. Beautifully illustrated in a Digital Web Book format, you’ll find the full text of an Appeal to Pope John Paul II, in which His Holiness is filially urged to restore the use of the prayers of Pope Leo XIII after Mass, in view of the current crisis in the Church.

His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio in Canberra has received and formally acknowledged receipt of the letter.

What is it all about?

A little more than a century ago, Pope Leo XIII had a frightening vision of the presence of Satan’s works in the Church. He then composed the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel which, for many decades, used to be said by priest and congregation, after Mass, kneeling before the Altar, throughout the Catholic world.

However, shortly after the Council, these prayers were dropped out of use without any formal explanation. Since then, both clergy and laity became accustomed to no longer invoking the assistance of Our Lady and St Michael against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

Not surprisingly, a few years later, Pope Paul VI spoke of the presence of the ‘smoke of Satan’ in the Church…

We believe that Leo XIII’s vision might have something to do with the dreadful crisis currently assailing the Barque of Peter, especially in the English-speaking world, in which homosexuality and pedophilia and all sorts of doctrinal dissent among the clergy have reached catastrophic proportions.

To the very best of our knowledge, the Leonine prayers have never been the object of formal abrogation by any Council document, Vatican Congregation decree, Pontifical pronouncement or decision by any Bishops’ Conference.

If so, and in line with the basic principle whereby what is not explicitly forbidden is implicitly allowed, the Leonine prayers remain in force in the Catholic Church.

As you receive this Digital Web Book, all bishops, archbishops, cardinals and patriarchs in the world who are in communion with the See of Peter are being approached with the request that they start saying these prayers after Mass once again.

If they heed this request, their good example will encourage both the clergy and the people entrusted to their care to follow suit.

May we ask of your zeal for the Church to join us and start saying those prayers again? We are morally certain that the more people will pray, the greater will the benefits be for the liberty and exaltation of our Holy Mother Church.

A new era of grace for the Church will dawn, because God Our Lord will not refuse to heed such a prayer effort.

Please forward this message to as many Catholics as possible. Let them know that the Laity is rising in prayer to the heavenly altar asking for the assistance of Our Lady Queen of Angels and Terror of Demons and Saint Michael the Archangel, the most glorious Prince of the heavenly Militia.

The Laity is contacting all the bishops in the world to lead them in prayer. That’s an excellent response to the current crisis, don’t you agree?

Please encourage your friends to join the new spiritual army – The Legion of St Michael. It has neither meetings nor fees. It is an apostolate articulated through the Communion of Saints. You will find more details about it in this Digital Web Book gift from St. Gabriel Communications.

We thank you in advance for your zeal for the Faith and love of the Church and pray that Our Lady’s choicest blessings may be showered upon you, and St Michael and his Angelic hosts may protect you always.

Sincerely yours in Jesus, Mary and St. Michael,

Raymond and Theresa de Souza

Convenors Legion of St Michael

A prayer initiative of St Gabriel Communications

(Raymond de Souza is the only full-time lay Catholic Apologist in Australia. He chairs the Cathedral branch of the Catholic Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross and is the Coordinator of Human Life International in Perth. Click here to visit his website.)

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