Remember How Long It Takes to Make a Tree

Zep 3:1-2, 9-13 / Mt 21:28-32

A shy young man fell in love, but he was utterly tongue-tied whenever he was with the girl. A friend offered some advice: “Just memorize some great lines, expressing your total admiration. Something like, ‘When I see your face, time stands still.'”

It made sense, so for weeks the young man practiced: “When I see your face, time stands still.” Finally he was ready. He took her to a romantic restaurant. The lights were low. His eyes met hers and he said, “When I see your face, I, time, uh…” He couldn’t remember the words.  Again he tried, “Mary, When I see your face, I, er, I mean…” Now he was totally flustered, so in desperation he blurted out, “Mary, your face could stop a CLOCK.”

We laugh, but there’s another part of us that’s a little sad when we hear a story like that, because it reminds us of all the things, large and small, that we’re still struggling to get right. “After all this time,” we say to ourselves, “I’m still stumbling at the same old places in the road. Same old places. Same old cuts and bruises!”

It can be mighty discouraging and can even make us want to give up. But before we do that, it might be a good idea to see what God has to say about it. He’s trying to catch our attention. He’s calling us by name. LISTEN!

“I’ve been walking at your side from the very beginning,” he says, “and following your progress with great hope.  And that’s why I asked Jesus to tell you the story about the two sons. Because you are like the both of them: Sometimes you say ‘yes’ to me, but then get distracted or tired and your ‘yes’ accidentally turns into a ‘no.’

“And sometimes you start with a loud ‘NO!’ and then your better self takes over and you turn it round into the beginning of a ‘yes’ — maybe a little shakey at first, but a beginning. And that makes me so proud of you, because I know what turnarounds cost.

“I know,” says the Lord, “that sometimes you don’t see the progress you’re making. You feel disappointed that you haven’t done better, faster. Dear child, I’m not surprised at all. These things take time. I knew that when I made you.

“Look at how long it takes ME to make a tree or even a flower! And that’s simple when compared to all I’m asking you to do. That will take a lifetime of you and me working together. And even when you reach the end of your pilgrimage, I know in advance that I’ll have to help you finish up. And I will do just that, I promise.

“So don’t be discouraged at how much time everything seems to take  Just hold to course. Don’t look back or waste time worrying about the past. And know that I am with you and that you are in my heart always!”

That is God’s word to us! Trust him. God is as good as his word.