Religious Sisters’ Street Ministry Protects the Unborn

A new order of women religious have found awesome success with their work of sidewalk counseling to save babies and their mothers from abortion. Based near Newark, New Jersey, the Franciscan Daughters of Mary, a Private Association of the Faithful (a community in formation), are headed by Mother Teresa Marie. had an opportunity to sit down with Mother Teresa at the recent March for Life in Washington, DC. Twice a week, as they have for the past year and a half, the sisters go to an abortion mill which commits about two-thirds of the late-term abortions in the state. Speaking to sidewalk counselors who regularly attempted to save babies from abortion outside the clinic prior to the nuns' venture, Mother Teresa learned there were some 3 to 5 children saved from abortion each year. However, the nuns have thus far saved the lives of some 215 babies.

There are only five sisters so far and another eight women discerning entering the order. The sisters run what is called the Rose Garden Home where, in addition to running a crisis pregnancy center, they distribute food to the hungry whenever the need arises, distribute turkeys and groceries for Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as Christmas gifts and Easter baskets and give referrals for shelter and jobs.

Most inspiring though, is the courage of the sisters. Mother Teresa told “We want to go where the pro-life fight is the hardest because it is there that the unborn have no voice.”

For more on the sisters, visit their website.

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