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Loves Catholic Exchange

Dear Catholic Exchange:

I would just like to say that I really love this website. I would like to help with a monetary contribution. How can I go about helping out?

Thanks and God Bless.

Walter C.

Thank you, Walter. You may call our associate Tom Kyd at 1-888-477-1982 and donate by credit card, or send a check to:

Catholic Exchange

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We appreciate your support of our apostolate!

In Christ,

Tom Allen

Editor & President

Catholic Exchange

Editor's Note: To contact Catholic Exchange, please refer to our Contact Us page.

Please note that all email submitted to Catholic Exchange or its authors (regarding articles published at CE) become the property of Catholic Exchange and may be published in this space. Published letters may be edited for length and clarity. Names and cities of letter writers may also be published. Email addresses of viewers will not normally be published.

Dear Catholic Exchange:

Just a short note to thank you for the two articles, by Mrs. Kiessling [“Child of Rape Says All Life Has Value”] and Father Pavone [September 11 and Abortion”], with a pro-life outlook.

This is so rare in media today, I thought I'd write to congratulate you for continuing the Church's mission of justice for all, no matter how powerless.

Keep up the good work!

Donna Radu

Dear Ms. Radu:

Thank you for the kind words of support and encouragement. It is both an honor and a privilege to serve as a voice for the powerless in our society today. Please pray that our apostolate continues gaining strength as the Internet becomes a more widely used tool of mass communication.

In Christ,

Tom Allen

Editor & President

Catholic Exchange

The Cost of Raising Children

Dear CatholicExchange:

In response to your article about the cost of raising kids [“The Cost and Benefits of Raising Children”], I was wondering if you have seen the actual itemized breakdown of this enormous estimate for raising a child to the age of 18.

Several years ago I stumbled across this somewhere else. It included such things as yearly trips to Disneyland, flamboyant birthday parties and of course, high dollar SUV's and Volvos to protect your 1.7 children while driving! In other words, it was geared toward 40-something yuppie parents whose children grow up in daycare. My parents raised eight of us on the salary of a dairy farmer, which at its peak in the '80's was about $14k a year, and they managed to send seven of us to college. They drove used cars, wore hand-me-downs, did their Christmas shopping at Ames and saved Green Stamps (remember those?). By embracing a similar lifestyle, my wife and I are the proud parents of seven children, and we are only 32 and 29 years old! And as for Disney World, “Gay Day” ruled that one out for us!

Andrew J. Nadeau, MI

Springvale, Maine

Thank you for providing some very useful perspective on this subject, Mr. Nadeau. We at CE are guided by the same principles in raising our families, I can assure you. Our children are our treasure!

We appreciate your support.

In Christ,

Tom Allen

Editor & President

Catholic Exchange

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