Rain Grace

by Ed Halbig

Darkness unbroken, questions unanswered,

I run resolute to face a new day,

Doubt surrounding, humidity abounding I plod,

Seeking new paths, anxious to arrive somewhere,

Wherever it is I’m supposed to be.

Your flash is blinding, your bolt dissecting pregnant

Clouds drenching me instantly, deeply, spiritually.

The torrent of raindrops are more cacophonous than

Ten thousand tambourines shaken simultaneously,

Washing away my anger, rinsing away my doubt and guilt.

Arms outstretched to return your embrace I sprint into your

Outpouring so thankful for this cleansing, so

Ecstatic as your rain grace dissolves my selfishness,

Purging my mind and body of false fear, while joyfully,

Courageously, I greet the dawn filled with new hope!

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