
by Jonathan Hunter-Kilmer


weary with my fumbling mind

and flesh so weak

slight soft spots find

and wondering

a question asked

like aging wine

in wooden casked

improving if the promise true

and that alone

growth will ensue

a step nearer the hilltop trip

but still a step with grinding hip

and joints won't answer

muscles pulled and torn

and tendons weight have borne

rude thoughts not weighty cannot cope

hands will not come clean

in harsh soap

though soaked and stung the flesh replaced

with pink new forming interlaced

with Your hands, Love,

exhorting lead

though slippery with crimson feed

the flagging wish

the stoke my soul

not just end

as a broken foal

then knowing that to please You most

will turn the struggle up to coast

I stay

and You stay hardship's hand

Your probing touches shoulders land

and up I breathing chest-swelled sit

then look up from my self-dug pit

for my way out You have ensured

Your blood-borne fall my soul has cured

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