Two more people have managed the complicated process of getting themselves on the follower list! Welcome Lily and Drew! Glad to have you here at Coffee&Canticles, the online community of Divine Office devotees!
Tonight I’m hosting a barbecue potluck for our parish Fortnight for Freedom committee, to thank them for their hard work earlier this summer. And to maybe figure out what to do next in our efforts to save our country from a threat that very few recognize.
Daria Sockey is a freelance writer from western Pennsylvania. Her articles have appeared in many Catholic publications. She authored several of the original Ignatius Press Faith and Life catechisms in the 1980s, and more recently wrote five study guides for saints' lives DVDs distributed by Ignatius Press. She now writes regularly for the newly revamped Catholic Digest. Her newest book, The Everyday Catholic's Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours, will be published by Servant Books this spring. Feel Free to email her at