Prophet Cross

by Pavel Chichikov

I see the town of Jeremiah

Through an ever-present haze,

Towers rising over meadows,

Blue as humid summer days

Solid over soaking fields

Where reeds of destitution grow,

Muggy mists and vapors yielding

Views that prophecy allows

Every tower broken down

As every upright man must be,

Nothing stands beneath the pounding

Hammer of eternity

Guilty, guiltless, spirit, stone

What matter then morality?

All must fall to their destruction

Vanish into entropy

What matter love or hate or fear

What matter even pleasure, pain,

Who am I to hold as dear

What never will come back again?

Even if the towers stood

And ever stood as strong as bliss,

They'd be no more than rotting wood

They'd fall away like Judas' kiss

But those are towers you mistake

As even prophecy was lured,

See the apparition break –

Prophet cross and be assured

(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may also visit Pavel's website at Grey Owl Press.)

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