
by Jonathan Hunter-Kilmer

the coals have cooled

my mouth

and mind

are filled with thoughts

You have refined

so though Your flame

lights my soul


the whipping

does not hold regret

Your promised


I'd happy be

when people

for You

hurl at me

a verbal plague

or vicious blows

that harm the flesh

for each hurt sews

a mercy

I can grow to learn

a grace

in time

I can so earn

for when

my blood is outside skin

I'm quicker to see my own sin


whatever some sad soul

should do to me

in evil's role

and understand

we each fall far

but You bring us again

from war with self


and earth's lust


mistakes and dust

are left behind

when You call me

and in Your arms I rest safely

the tears

that come from some attack


humility I lack

for You are Author

and command

the words

that come forth by my hand

all honor

Yours will ever be

and insults

speak of You

I see

and think

of all so loved by One

are thrashed or killed

for His dear Son


pain for pain

with joy


in Your sweet employ

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