Pro-Lifer Calls for Overhaul of Clinton-Imposed Stem Cell Research Guidelines

by Bill Fancher

(AgapePress) – The nation's largest public policy women's group expects the current federal guidelines for stem cell research to be discarded after an objective analysis.

The National Institutes of Health conducts public-funded stem cell research under a set of guidelines by the Health and Human Services Department. Those guidelines established by the Clinton Administration are currently under review, and Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America says they will not hold up to scrutiny.

“It’s a convoluted set of guidelines that completely contradicts federal law,” Wright says. “The federal law bans the use of federal funds that ends up killing embryos, that ends up killing our youngest members of the human race.

“All it will take is an objective view of these guidelines, and they’ll have to be thrown out the window, and then we’ll be left with Congress’ intent and the people’s intent,” she says. “And that is, that as taxpayers we should not be complicit in the killing of embryos for research purposes.”

Pro-lifers have been urging a review of those guidelines since they were implemented. Those guidelines allow researchers to create human embryos, rob them of their stem cells, and then destroy them. Stem cells can already be obtained from adults without destroying a life.

The review of the guidelines will be completed by the end of the summer.

(This update courtesy of Agape Press.)

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