Pro-Abortion Spitzer Withdraws from Catholic Engagement

American Life League (ALL), one of the largest pro-life groups in the United States has saved the New York Archdiocese from falling into a scandalous situation. Vehemently pro-abortion New York state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer was to be an honoured guest at a prominent Catholic function that was to be attended by New York's Cardinal Edward Egan. However, after a press release by ALL pointing out the error in judgment last week has prompted a 'joint decision' for Spitzer to withdraw from the March 16 Friendly Sons of St. Patrick dinner.

In a press release and letter to the Cardinal, ALL pointed out Spitzer's pro-abortion record. Columnist Michelle Malkin once called Spitzer a “loyal water boy for pro-abortion groups.” Spitzer issued subpoenas to 34 pro-life pregnancy care centers, following up on the abortion industry's bogus claim that these centers deceive women and practice medicine without licenses. Planned Parenthood and NARAL affiliates praised Spitzer's friend-of-the court brief in Stenberg v. Carhart, the case in which the Supreme Court tossed out Nebraska's partial-birth abortion ban. NARAL quotes Spitzer as being “committed to taking all measures necessary to protect a woman's right to reproductive freedom.” He set up a special unit to “promote access to reproductive health.”

See related Newsday coverage.

(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

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