Priest Podcasts about Time Management Issues

This morning, while working on my parish's web site, I was listening to the latest installment of Fr. Roderick's Daily Breakfast .  I love Fr. Roderick for his infectious enthusiasm, and also for the fact that he frequently discusses time management topics.  In this episode, Fr. Roderick discusses many productivity issues, including gmail, google calendar, entourage, and the endless quest we each have to get caught up on our email.  He's got some great tips, but the best thing is that his enthusiasm for being a better steward of his time is very motivational.  If you don't have an iPod, you can listen to the Daily Breakfast online at the site.  It's well worth the 30 minutes you'll spend!


Lisa Hendey, Catholic wife and mom, is the founder and webmaster of and the author of A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: 52 Companions for Your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul and The Handbook for Catholic Moms: Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul. Lisa writes for several online and print publications, enjoys speaking around the country and hosts the Catholic Moments Podcast. Visit her at

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