President Bush Says He Agrees with Brother Jeb in Schiavo Case

In response to a media question, President George W. Bush said he agreed with the actions of his brother – Florida Governor Jeb Bush in the Terri Schiavo case. Moreover, attorneys for Terri's estranged husband Michael have promised to file a lawsuit to overturn Terri's law, which permitted the Governor to order a halt to Terri's starvation death. The deadline for the filing was yesterday. Michael Schiavo was also interviewed by CNN host Larry King on Monday.

In an interview on Tuesday President Bush was asked: “Sir, in your last campaign, you said that the American public was not ready for a complete ban on abortion. You're about to sign legislation that will ban a certain abortion procedure known as partial birth. Do you believe that the climate has changed since the last campaign and all abortions should be banned? And do you believe your brother made the correct decision in Florida when he intervened in the case of a woman who had been ordered by the courts to be taken off life support?”

The President responded, “Yes, I believe my brother made the right decision. Yes, I'll sign the ban on partial birth abortion. And, no, I don't think the culture has changed to the extent that the American people or the Congress would totally ban abortions.”

In the Larry King interview, Michael Schiavo made the extraordinary claim that Terri's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, are after money, and that is why they want Michael out of the picture. “Mr. Schindler didn't get any money. He wants the money. He wants the control,” Schiavo said. The claim comes despite the fact that weeks ago they issued the following heartfelt plea to Michael:

“We love our daughter very much and we want her home. Over the last 13 years, Terri has laughed with us, cried with us, talked with us, and even tried to get out of her chair. The accusations that Terri is in a coma or is a 'vegetable' are a lie.

We beg Michael Schiavo, and those working with him not to end our daughter's life, to let her come home to her family. We will sign any agreement you want, giving you all monies related to Terri's collapse and any insurance money that may be forthcoming. You take the money. We just want our daughter.”

See also:

The Interview That Wasn't “Michael Schiavo got the usual Larry King softballs. Here are the questions King should have asked” by Wesley Smith

White House transcript

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