Preparing for the Eternal Feast

Imagine this: you’re preparing for a loved one’s birthday party, excitement bubbling within you as you pull into the grocery store parking lot. You spot the perfect parking space, but just as you’re about to turn in, another driver swoops in and takes it. He even has the audacity to look you in the eye as he exits his car. What’s your reaction? Do you feel your blood pressure rising, ready to confront this parking spot thief? Or do you take a deep breath, smile, and simply look for another spot, determined not to let this minor setback ruin your joyful preparations?

This everyday scenario might seem trivial, but it reflects a deeper spiritual challenge we all face: How do we maintain peace and joy in the face of life’s constant disruptions and disappointments? The answer, as we’ll explore, lies in the timeless wisdom of Scripture and the profound insights of spiritual teachers like Don Dolindo Ruotolo.

Psalm 46 (47 in Hebrew numbering) is a triumphant hymn celebrating God’s sovereignty over all nations. It begins with a powerful call to praise: “O clap your hands, all ye nations: shout unto God with the voice of Joy, For the Lord is high, terrible: a great king over all the earth.” This psalm reminds us that no matter what challenges we face—be they personal frustrations or global upheavals—God remains the “great king over all the earth.” But how do we translate this joyful acclamation into our daily lives, especially when faced with irritations like stolen parking spots or more serious challenges?

Servant of God Don Dolindo Ruotolo, a 20th-century Italian priest and mystic, offers profound insights into living out the praise and trust proclaimed in Psalm 46. In his spiritual writings, Don Dolindo shared his thoughts on various scriptures, including a beautiful reflection on this very psalm. His words resonate deeply with the psalm’s themes of joy and trust in God’s sovereignty.

In his commentary, he writes:

Let us not spend our life in constant lament, as if misfortune befell us every moment! Those who prepare for a feast rejoice, even as they work and toil in preparation; we are in continuous preparation for the eternal feast. We are children of God, redeemed and heirs of the eternal kingdom, surrounded by the loving care of grace.

Don Dolindo challenges us to shift our perspective. Instead of viewing life’s difficulties as mere obstacles or injustices, we’re invited to see them as part of our preparation for an eternal celebration. He continues:

We have every reason to rejoice even among thorns, tears, and the anxiety of our daily cross, for we know that everything contributes to our gain for eternal life, and that dying itself is for us a joy and profit.

This radical reframing of life’s challenges echoes the psalmist’s call to joyful praise. Just as the psalm invites all nations to clap their hands and shout with joy, Don Dolindo encourages us to find reasons for rejoicing even in our “daily cross.”

As we reflect on Psalm 46 and Don Dolindo’s wisdom, we can find practical ways to apply these teachings in our daily lives, particularly when it comes to forgiveness, peacemaking, and surrendering to God’s will.

When faced with relationship challenges, we are called to be peacemakers, following Christ’s example. This doesn’t mean avoiding conflict, but rather approaching it with a spirit of love and reconciliation. Just as the psalm calls all nations to unite in praise, we too can strive for unity in our personal relationships. When someone wrongs us, instead of harboring resentment, we can choose to forgive, remembering that we are all “children of God, redeemed and heirs of the eternal kingdom,” as Don Dolindo reminds us.

Dealing with unavoidable illnesses or other life hardships requires a different kind of strength—the strength to surrender to God’s will. Here, we can turn to Don Dolindo’s famous Surrender Novena for inspiration. In this powerful prayer, we are encouraged to repeat, “Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!” This act of surrender is not passive resignation, but an active trust in God’s providence, echoing the psalm’s confident declaration of God’s sovereignty.

When facing health challenges, it’s important to remember that seeking proper medical care and doing our best to address treatable conditions is both prudent and in line with respecting the gift of life God has given us. However, for those sufferings that persist despite our best efforts, Don Dolindo teaches us to see even these as part of God’s loving plan. He writes, “Let us exult in Jesus Christ our Redeemer and applaud His kingship, love, and triumph. Let us applaud Providence that governs the universe, grace that transforms hearts, divine goodness that guides our life.” When we’re faced with a difficult diagnosis or ongoing health struggles, we can strive to maintain this spirit of exultation, trusting that even in our suffering, we are being prepared for “the eternal exultation of glory.”

Moreover, as Catholics, we are called to embrace unavoidable pain or suffering and unite it with the mystery of the Cross and Christ’s redeeming sacrifice. This profound act of faith transforms our trials into opportunities for spiritual growth and participation in the work of redemption. By offering up our sufferings, we not only find meaning in our pain but also contribute to the spiritual good of the Church and the world.

In our daily lives, this might mean starting each day with a simple prayer of surrender, offering up our plans, hopes, and fears to God. When unexpected challenges arise—be they as small as a stolen parking spot or as large as a serious illness—we can pause, take a deep breath, and remind ourselves of God’s loving sovereignty. We can choose to see these moments not as obstacles, but as opportunities to deepen our trust and to “sing praises to our God,” as the psalm encourages.

Don Dolindo further invites us to join in the Church’s joy:

Let us follow the Church in her jubilation and applause; let us exult in the faith of the Most Holy Trinity, the brightest and most joyous truth, for it reveals the infinite life of God Himself, source of all life and jubilation.

This reminds us that our personal journey of faith is always connected to the larger community of believers, and that the truths of our faith, particularly the mystery of the Trinity, are sources of profound joy and strength.

By embracing this perspective, we open ourselves to experiencing the deep peace and joy that come from aligning our will with God’s. We become living testimonies to the truth proclaimed in Psalm 46—that God reigns supreme over all the earth, and that in Him, we find our true source of strength and joy.

As we navigate the challenges of daily life, let’s take to heart Don Dolindo’s inspiring message. He reminds us that we are like people preparing for a great feast. Yes, the preparations may be arduous at times, filled with tasks and trials that test our patience and faith. But those who keep their eyes fixed on the coming celebration can endure these burdens with joy and purpose.

In the same way, as we journey through life with all its ups and downs, we can find strength and peace in knowing that we are preparing for the greatest feast of all—eternal life in God’s presence. Every challenge we face, every act of forgiveness we offer, every moment of suffering we unite with Christ’s sacrifice—all of these are part of our preparation. They are opportunities to grow in faith, hope, and love.

So the next time you face a stolen parking spot, a relationship conflict, or even a serious health challenge, remember Don Dolindo’s wisdom. You are a child of God, an heir to the eternal kingdom, preparing for a magnificent feast beyond our wildest imagination. This feast is nothing less than eternal life itself—the beatific vision where we will behold the Holy Trinity face to face, basking in the infinite love and joy of God’s presence. It is the glorious communion with all the saints in Heaven, free from all pain, sorrow, and imperfection. This is the feast for which we are preparing, the ultimate fulfillment of all our deepest longings and the purpose for which we were created.

Prayer to Our Lady in Preparation for the Eternal Feast

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord and our Mother, guide us in preparing our hearts for the eternal banquet, as you did for the servants at Cana. Help us embrace each trial and blessing as an opportunity for holiness, finding joy even in our daily crosses. May we, inspired by Don Dolindo’s wisdom, trust in God’s providence and surrender our will to Him. Through your loving intercession, may we find strength in knowing we are God’s beloved children, always under your care. And Mother, if you could, please put in a good word with God for Don Dolindo Ruotolo—we’d love to see him officially named a saint one day, if that’s what God wants. Lead us, gentle Mother, ever closer to your Son as we journey towards the eternal feast. Amen.

Author’s Note: If you would like to read more about Don Dolindo’s spirituality, check out this book: Don Dolindo’s Spiritual Guidance.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Ruotolo, D. D. (1939). Commento alla Sacra Scrittura. Apostolato Stampa, 33.

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Elie G. Dib has directed his interests towards studying the writings and life journey of the Servant of God, Don Dolindo Ruotolo. Known for his monumental 33-volume commentary, Don Dolindo left an indelible mark on religious literary work. Elie is ardently invested in translating this extensive commentary from Italian to English, with a vision to break the language barrier and make this profound work accessible to a wider audience. Through his translation efforts, Elie aspires to disseminate the teachings of Don Dolindo and inspire others with his deep insights into the scripture. His Substack can be found at: If you would like to read more about Don Dolindo's insights on Sacred Scripture, check out this new book:

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