Excerpts from Miles Jesu Father General’s writings on prayer
Prayer is communication with God. If I am too concerned about my recollection, my sins, my virtues, or my defects, I am liable to end up with a big fat ego incapable of communicating with God.
Your apostolic action will be able to help only a limited number of people, but with your prayer you can reach the whole world. Jesus was seen and heard by only several thousand people, but his sufferings and prayers were more than enough to save the whole world.
Would you like to be received by the Blessed Mother on your entrance into eternity? Ask her 50 times daily to ‘pray for us sinners at the hour of our death.’ Say the Rosary daily. She is your Mother. She is the Mother — she listens.
It is a terrible mistake to confuse prayer with introspection. We pray when we directly relate to God and communicate with him. Introspection is when we go inside of our own feelings and dig into them and play with them.
Look into your inner spiritual life for the things that give you peace, tranquillity, love of God, and rest; avoid at all cost whatever disturbs this peace and love of God and creates restlessness and a lack of tranquillity.
We must meditate on our prayers. They are an endless source of material for thought, for awe, for formation. Many times the rich material of our Christian Faith is lost in a mechanical, superficial, or routine reciting of words with the mind wandering through a thousand distractions.
We can recite prayers for many years throughout our lives without really deepening our knowledge of them, without really digesting their full content. If we meditate upon and ponder our prayers, sometimes one and sometimes another, just only with that we will acquire a very deep and thorough knowledge of the Faith. With that alone we can become real theologians and masters of the spiritual life.
(This article appears courtesy of Miles Jesu magazine. To learn more about the Catholic lay institute Miles Jesu, call 1-800-654-7945 or visit their website at www.MilesJesu.com.)