Powerful Abortion Group Admits Leaked Documents Will Cause It “Irreparable Harm”

The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM), which acquired leaked confidential documents from one of the world's most influential pro-abortion organizations, has been threatened with legal action for revealing the contents of the documents. The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) has demanded that C-FAM return all the documents, however the move comes days too late as pro-life US Representative Chris Smith has made the document public by inserting the secret document into the Congressional Record.

In a letter faxed to C-FAM's New York office, Nancy Northup, president of CRR, claims that “disclosure of this material has caused, and further disclosure will cause, CRR irreparable harm.” Northup demands C-FAM return all copies of the memos and “cease and desist from any further dissemination, by whatever means, including written, email, fax, oral, or electronic, of the Center's internal memos,” and even that C-FAM must “identify to the Center all persons and organizations, including email addresses, to whom C-FAM disseminated the Center's proprietary information.”

Rep. Smith introduced the documents Monday saying, “It is critical that both the American and foreign public are made aware of these documents because they shed new light on the schemes of those who want to promote abortion here and abroad. It is especially important that policy makers know, and more fully understand, the deceptive practices being employed by the abortion lobby.”

Smith pointed especially to sections in the document which admit to foul play. One CRR Trustee is quoted as saying, “We have to fight harder, be a little dirtier.” He told his colleagues, “These documents are important for the public to see because they expose the wolf donning sheep's clothing in an attempt to sanitize violence against children . . . In their own words, these documents demonstrate how abortion promotion groups are planning to push abortion here and abroad, not by direct argument, but by twisting words and definitions.”

In comments to LifeSite, Jim Hughes, Vice President of the International Right to Life Federation said, “Now that the documents are public, it is essential for political leaders the world over, especially those in pro-life countries, to review them and recognize the deceitful methods through which CRR and its many allies are attempting to force all countries to allow abortion on demand.”

See the secret documents from the Congressional Record.

A text version is available from the Congressional Record. Search page by searching under “reproductive rights”.

(This update courtesy of LifeSiteNews.com.)

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