Pope Warns of “A True Conspiracy Against Life and Family”

VATICAN — Pope John Paul II addressed the Bishops of Indonesia during their recent “ad limina” visit to Rome. Addressing life and family issues, the Pope said, “A true ‘conspiracy against life’ and the family is appearing in many forms: abortion, sexual permissiveness, pornography, drug abuse and pressures to adopt morally unacceptable methods of population control.”

The Pope then challenged the Bishops saying, “Notwithstanding the difficulties involved in countering these tendencies in a non-Christian society, you as Bishops are ‘the first ones called to be untiring teachers of the Gospel of life’. At all times, the Church’s prophetic voice must loudly proclaim the need to respect and promote the divine law written on every heart” (cf. Rom 2:15). (cf. Redemptoris Missio, 54)

See Address of John Paul II to the Bishops of Indonesia on Their Ad Limina Visit to Rome

(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

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