Pope John Paul: Caring for the Sick Fulfills the Gospel of Love

VATICAN CITY, NOV 7, 2002 (VIS) – On Thursday in the Paul VI Hall, the

Holy Father welcomed 700 participants in the 17th annual international

conference sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Health Care Pastoral

Ministry. The three-day conference began today in the Vatican on the theme

“The Identity of Catholic Health Care Institutions.”

The Pope said that this theme “has great importance for the life and

mission of the Church” as she has “always associated assistance to and care

of the sick … with the proclamation of the Good News.” He noted that many

of the “saints of charity and hospitality, such as St. Camillus de Lellis,

St. John of God, and Vincent de Paul” founded institutions for the sick

which were precursors of modern hospitals. Catholic health care

institutions, he added, are “the Church's answer in solidarity and charity

to the mandate of the Lord Who sent the 12 Apostles to announce the Kingdom of God and heal the sick.”

Pope John Paul thanked the participants for their “efforts to give a new

stimulus to the International Federation of Catholic Hospitals, a valid

body for answering in an ever better fashion the many questions faced by

those who work in the world of health on many fronts.”

“To completely understand the identity of (Catholic) health care

institutions,” stated the Holy Father, “we need to go to the heart of what

the Church is, where the supreme law is love. Catholic health institutions

thus become privileged witnesses to the charity of the Good Samaritan

because, in caring for the sick, we fulfill the Lord's will and contribute

to realizing the Kingdom of God. In this way they express their true

ecclesial identity.”

“In the Apostolic Letter 'Novo millennio ineunte', John Paul II said, “I

recalled all those who are lacking even the most elementary medical care.

The Church looks at these brothers and sisters of ours with particular


He expressed the hope that “Catholic health care institutions and public

ones might efficaciously collaborate, united in the common desire to serve

man, especially the weakest and those who in fact are not supported socially.”

(This article courtesy of Vatican Information Service.)

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