Planned Parenthood Exploits Climate of Fear

NEW YORK – CNN'S The Point with Greta Van Susteren aired an episode October 25 called “Tracking The Terrorists” in which Planned Parenthood President Gloria Feldt and another guest slammed pro-lifers as terrorists.

During the program Sustern said to Feldt: “Gloria, your organization has been dealing with this type of terrorism for a number of years.” Feldt agreed saying: “But as you say, domestic terrorism is not new to us.” Feldt continued, “And we all need to work together to stop this kind of hatred and bigotry that creates the mindset and the social climate in which this kind of behavior can occur.”

Richard “Bo” Dietl, retired from the New York Police and currently running a security company, picked up where Feldt left off saying, “Then you got the nuts. You got these people across America who are anti-abortion, anti-everything. And they're just jumping on the bandwagon and they're using this now as a cover. So they're sending white powder around to all these corporations.”

Penn State Prof Plays Similar Tune

In related news, a Penn State University professor plugged a Feldt talk at the University yesterday. Writing in the Collegian, the PSU student newspaper, Lisa L. Miller, assistant professor of crime, law and justice and political science said, “We do not need to look to Islam to see examples of religious extremism that result in violence and acts of terrorism. The United States has it own homegrown Christian terrorists who are so persuaded by the righteousness of their hatred that they threaten and murder doctors, nurses, employees and patients of women's health organizations.” She urged students to come to the talk. “Gloria Feldt, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, has firsthand experience with U.S. religious terrorists and can tell us a great deal about the importance of defending freedoms in the face of Christian fanaticism.”

Planned Parenthood may find its propaganda will have less effect at this time since the Bush administration is unlikely to be as accommodating as were past pro-abortion allies Bill Clinton and Janet Reno.

See the CNN transcript of the show and the Collegian article.

(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

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