“The stunning revelation that James Guest, CEO of Consumers Union, once served as president of a Planned Parenthood affiliate goes a long way toward explaining the irresponsible features on abortion and birth control in the February issue of Consumer Reports,” said Jim Sedlak, executive director of American Life League's STOPP International. “Therefore, we call on every subscriber to Consumer Reports magazine and web site to immediately cancel their subscriptions and to refuse to renew until CU cleans house and restores its credibility.”
American Life League and STOPP International have previously shown how the Planned Parenthood mentality has infected such organizations as the Girl Scouts and the Gates Foundation. “Now, this infestation has overrun Consumers Union as well,” said Sedlak. “It's clear that yet again, a Planned Parenthood ideologue has gone on to taint another organization whose reputation had previously been beyond reproach.”
In February 2001, former Planned Parenthood of Maryland executive James Guest took over as CEO of Consumers Union. “Just four years later,” said Sedlak, “Mr. Guest's organization has published the most deceitful propaganda piece in its history in an effort to thrust the Planned Parenthood philosophy on an unsuspecting American public.” A public that turns to Consumer Reports to learn the truth about products will find deceptive, inaccurate information in the February 2005 issue. Although every manufacturer of birth control pills lists “changes in the endometrium (which reduce the likelihood of implantation)” as one of the mechanisms of how the pill works, Consumer Reports refuses to give consumers this information following a long-established Planned Parenthood propaganda tactic of not telling consumers that the pill can cause the death of a human being in the womb by preventing implantation.
“If Consumers Union will lie about causing the death of human beings, where else will it compromise its integrity?” asked Sedlak. “STOPP calls on all consumers to hold this organization accountable and pull all subscriptions and funding until changes in the leadership are made.”
(This update courtesy of the American Life League. American Life League, with more than 375,000 supporting families, is the nation's largest pro-life educational organization, and STOPP International.)
Consumer Reports February 2005: Pro-Abortion Edition
YONKERS, New York The latest edition of Consumer Reports compares contraceptive methods, including abortion as a means of contraception. WorldNetDaily also reported last week that James A. Guest, CEO of Consumers Union, which publishes Consumer Reports, was once head of Planned Parenthood Maryland.
Jayne Wallace, a communications consultant with Consumers Union, told WND, “The fact that [Guest] worked for Planned Parenthood had nothing to do with this article.”
The Consumer Report claims that abortion fatalities are 1 per 100,000 vs. 11.3 per 100,000 for carrying a baby to full-term, figures typically used by pro-abortion organizations that disseminate misinformation on abortion and contraception.
In fact, a study of pregnancy-associated deaths published in a March 2004 issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG) has found that the mortality rate associated with abortion is 2.95 times higher than that associated with pregnancies carried to term.
American Life League president Judie Brown also points out that “a woman obtaining an induced abortion is 6 times more likely to die from suicide (intentional injury) than women who give birth, and 3 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population.”
Brown also highlights that the information given by Consumer Reports about the pill fails to mention that, besides preventing ovulation, the pill also causes abortion by preventing a newly-formed baby from implanting within the mother's womb.
“If this organization is serious about presenting fair, unbalanced, unbiased information about this 'product,' it needs to include the most important fact about this drug: the birth control pill can and will kill preborn babies,” Brown says in a release.
“Consumer Reports needs to get its facts straight on birth control pills,” Brown continues. “Otherwise, it should focus on its traditional reviews of sewing machines and toasters.”
See also:
Study: Maternal Death Rate From Legal Abortions Three Times Higher than from Childbirth
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Or write to: Consumer Reports, 101 Truman Ave., Yonkers, NY 10703-1057.
(This update courtesy of LifeSiteNews.com.)