"A picture is worth a thousand words." As an imager for over 30 years, I have found that statement to be profoundly true, possibly never more so than when I introduce a mother to her unborn baby for the first time in an ultrasound suite.
The advent of ultrasound technology has allowed us to share increasingly intimate details of the unborn that were previously unavailable and unable to be seen. It is indeed a privilege to share a woman's unborn child with her via the ultrasound images. With a growing number of traditional Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC's) nationwide choosing to add ultrasound services, the opportunity of sharing God's creation with abortion-vulnerable women continues to expand. There is good work being done to assist PRC's in the medical conversion process. More can and should be done, though, through both church organizations and private donations.
Consider the impact of an ultrasound image: An 18 year old mother describes a tragically common scene to me. She is desperate, she feels alone, and she feels woefully inadequate to begin life with a new baby. With great emotion in her voice, she describes going to an abortion clinic to end the life of the child growing within her. While dressing after the ultrasound exam, she viewed an image inadvertently left on the screen. She was in awe of the precious child within her! She had not imagined that her baby could possibly be so formed, so life-like. Leaving the abortion clinic with a renewed sense of purpose she did not know what her next step would be. She was certain, however, that it would not be termination. This young mother and her boyfriend sought the counsel of their parents. They learned that each of their parents had personal experience with abortion and encouraged the young couple not to follow in their footsteps.
I have seen so many disillusioned young women come through our doors. However, in the PRC, our young women and men will hear the voice of reason. Possibly for the first time in their young lives they will receive an explanation of human growth and development. They will hear options that they may not have considered. Information is always crucial in making an appropriate decision. Our PRC's are relaying that vital information in truth and in love. An untimely pregnancy can cause young persons to act out in the heat of the moment and deny their natural instincts. Ultrasound is an invaluable tool that allows a woman to connect with the innate desire to nurture and care for her child. It can help her to make a decision that she can live with for the rest of her life.
As an ultrasound professional, I never tire of the tremendous gift of ultrasound technology, for I have seen these images change hearts and minds all over the country. Indeed, a picture IS worth a thousand words!