For centuries, civilizations worldwide protected heterosexual families because sex, in the natural order of things, is for procreation. But since the sexual revolution, we’ve treated sex as recreation, and now people are demanding it like a civil right, and they are succeeding.
The gay-rights movement is advancing like, as one gay activist put it, a juggernaut. First, Canada by judicial fiat legalized same-sex “marriage,” and gay couples rushed to Canada to get “married.” Second, in the Lawrence decision two weeks ago, the U.S. Supreme Court by judicial fiat struck down the Texas law prohibiting sodomy that makes consensual sex a protected right and sets the precedent for gay “marriage.” And third, the Massachusetts Supreme Court by judicial fiat will likely legalize same-sex unions in that state — a ruling that could lead to a domino effect nationwide.
Gay “marriage” is on the horizon. And some Christians believe that the battle is lost. There was hardly a protest over the Supreme Court case, one friend told me. And he said, “Face it, Chuck. You can't stop this juggernaut.”
Oh, yeah? I'm reminded of the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. The Allied troops were surrounded, and their situation seemed hopeless. The Germans sent a message to the American general Anthony McAuliffe, asking him to surrender and save lives. His answer lives on in American folklore: “Us, surrender? Nuts.”
Well, I say we do not rub our hands in despair. I say “nuts” to those who want to give up. Let's roll up our sleeves and get busy.
There is one thing left that could stop the gay “marriage” steamroller. It's a Constitutional amendment. And there's one prepared that says: “Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman.”
I've been a little bit lukewarm to this idea because it's such a huge task to get a Constitutional amendment passed, but recent events have changed my mind. This is our last, best option.
The purpose of the Federal Marriage Amendment, according to Dr. Robert George of Princeton University, who helped draft it, is to take the decision about same-sex “marriage” out of the hands of the courts. The amendment will force the fight over marriage into legislatures and the democratic process.
And we can succeed, if Christians and others who value marriage refuse to lay down their arms and go to work.
Obviously, you need to talk to your senators and congressman about getting them to support the amendment. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) has already announced his support. There's no reason this can't pass in this Congress. Then it will go to the states for ratification, where our work will be cut out for us.
I don't want you just to make phone calls, however. I want you to start educating yourselves and your neighbors as to why heterosexual marriage is distinct. No society in history has ever tried this kind of radical social experiment. It's madness.
And we can make an intelligent case, but only if we are equipped with the worldview arguments to present it prudentially to our neighbors. So please call us here at BreakPoint (1-877-3-CALLBP). We'd like to send you information you can use. Then, let's go to work. I know it sounds extreme, but I believe nothing less than the survival of our culture is at stake.
Charles Colson is the founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries. For more information or to subscribe go to or email