The following two letters are in response to “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”
Thanks so much for your column defending Fr. Spitzer. I must admit that I had read the Adams articles in the past and found his arguments persuading despite the fact that I have seen Spitzer speak out on right to life issues on ESPN. Adams is really a reprehensible guy, no doubt.
Thanks again for your fine article that clears the air on this issue. I'll know better to ignore Adams in the future.
Tom Benham
Boca Raton, FL
Adams has the advantage of the bully pulpit: you only hear his side of things and you can sort of forget that there is, on the receiving end of his “bold” attacks, a real human being he is casually smearing as a Klansman. Since I happen to know the human being he was so casually trashing, and since I know that this human being has done more for the Faith and for the defense of innocent human life in one day than Adams has done in his whole life, I felt obliged to speak.
I hope Adams apologizes for his treatment of Fr. Spitzer. It would be the right thing to do.
Mark Shea
Senior Content Editor
Catholic Exchange
Thanks for the excellent article regarding the Gonzaga controversy. Since I don't have a college education and my son is just a Freshman (Fran. U. of Steubenville), I have a lot to learn about how colleges operate. I have read Mike Adams's columns for a long time and enjoy his perspective. Your comments will cause me to more seriously consider the other side of the story. He obviously is missing a lot on this issue.
The thing I just don't get is why the rules in the law school prohibit the discrimination. If students want to attend a Catholic Law School they should expect to be lead by Catholics or Christians. Rank has its privileges. When in Rome do as the Romans do. Perhaps the real issue is should the SBA's guidelines be changed?
Thanks and God Bless,
Paul Hillebrand
Cincinnati, OH
Thanks for your kind words. Adams is right that there is a lot of politically correct silliness on many campuses, including Catholic ones. I just wish he would not bayonet our own troops as they are trying to fight such silliness.
As to your questions about the Law School policy, I can't speak for them (and wouldn't want to). I suggest writing them directly.
Mark Shea
Senior Content Editor
Catholic Exchange
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