Oprah Winfrey Endorses Homosexuality Again With Upcoming Show

According to the web site of well known talk show host Oprah Winfrey, her endorsement of the homosexual lifestyle will continue when she interviews a man who took part in a reality television program entitled “30 days: Straight Man in a Gay World.”

“30 Days” is a reality show produced by Morgan Spurlock who gained notoriety for his documentary “Super Size Me” in which he ate only McDonald’s food for 30 days. During this particular segment a farmer, Ryan Hickmott, from Michigan spends 30 days with a gay marketing consultant in San Francisco.

While Hickmott doesn’t disavow his belief that homosexuality is contrary to biblical teaching he does say that he has “a very positive image of homosexuals.” He claims to be newly “open-minded, matured,” and “a better person.” He admits to having made uninformed opinions in the past.

For this reason Oprah is bringing the man onto her show. In 2000 Winfrey was the keynote speaker at a luncheon held by the Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, a group whose priority this year is to ensure that minors, without parental consent, maintain their access to contraceptives and abortion. Winfrey's cameo appearance on the “coming out” episode of the TV show “Ellen” in 1997 raised concerns at the time over the promotion of homosexuality.

In 2002, during the Emmy awards in which she was awarded the inaugural Bob Hope Humanitarian Award, she said, “We all are just regular people seeking the same thing: the guy on the street, the woman in the classroom, the Israeli, the Afghani, the Zuni, the Apache, the Irish, the Protestant, the Catholic, the gay, the straight, you, me &#0151 we all just want to know that we matter. We want validation.”

In 2003 Oprah referred to guest Melissa Etheridge as “married” to her lesbian partner Tammy Lynn Michaels even though homosexual “marriage” is illegal in the United States.

(This article courtesy of LifeSiteNews.com.)

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