Ohio Newspaper Charged with Pro-Homosexual Bias

by Chad Groening

The president of an Ohio-based pro-family organization says one of the largest newspapers in the state is deliberately going out of its way to help advance the homosexual agenda.

Linda Harvey is president of Mission America. She says The Columbus Dispatch recently published a series called “Gay in Columbus,” which painted a glowing picture of homosexual life in the Ohio capital.

“We have heard through the grapevine that [the newspaper published the series] because they have had falling circulation figures, and they think that they can get more circulation by going 'left' rather than being traditional,” Harvey says. “So they're trying to appeal to a different market. Plus there are sympathies down there as far as the homosexual lifestyle. As with most papers, they are growing in the numbers of reporters who are actually in the lifestyle.”

Harvey says the paper made little effort to give the pro-family side in the series and has bought into the homosexual agenda completely. “It's like it's a stronghold … like they've really bought into the other side on this,” she says.

In a commentary in The Dispatch, its editor Benjamin Marrison defends the series, saying those who do not believe homosexuals belong in the newspaper cannot fully appreciate the role of a newspaper. He says a good paper mirrors its community and the Columbus community consists of people from all walks of life. Marrison says that to ignore one segment as a way of appeasing another would mean ignoring the obligation of a newspaper.

But Harvey thinks the Dispatch has a greater obligation to tell the entire truth about homosexuality, not just propaganda from the other side.

(This article courtesy of Agape Press.)

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