Dear Catholic Exchange:
The last time I saw that fiction story stuff being featured as the lead “story” of the day, I swore I would never donate to you again. The story made absolutely no sense to me. It was like belly dancers performing during Mass. I am not coming to your site to be entertained. I am coming to learn, to get closer to Jesus and to be a better Christian. I am here not to read some senseless fiction story! If you have to offer it to attract as many people as possible, fine. But does it have to be the headliner?
But then came Mark Shea! Mark is my buddy! He reminds me of my very intelligent, Christian son. In fact, I have sent a lot of Mark's stuff to my son who is involved deeply with a nondenominational church. I love Mark. So thanks to my respect for Mark's knowledge, you are getting a donation so I can get Mark's book This is My Body and his tapes Power in the Eucharist.
I hope you do a poll or something about that fiction stuff. Am I the only one who thinks it has no business being on the front page? Even daily newspapers don't put cartoons or Dear Abby on the front page!
And while I am commenting on my views of your site: Please! Please! PLEASE! Do not remove Monsignor Dennis Clark’s daily homily when you re-do your web site. Why isn't the Monsignor ever the headline?
Well that's my two cents worth. I really enjoy your site. I visit every day and you are my home page. I am very attached to Catholic Exchange! Keep up the good work! EXCEPT for that fiction stuff, I wouldn't change anything!
God bless,
Susan Blaufuss
Dear Susan:
Thanks for your kind words about my work. For what it's worth, I think part of the trouble you may be having with the site is that you are expecting something we haven't promised. Catholic Exchange is not a newspaper. It's more like a magazine or even a TV network. We will run whatever quality Catholic materials we find, including fiction, just as a magazine will. A lot of our content is newsy. But we're quite happy to run other sorts of writing as well.
Anyway, I'm glad my stuff scratches where you itch! I aims to please!
Mark Shea
Senior Content Editor
Catholic Exchange
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