Official Estimate of March for Life Attendance: 100,000

WASHINGTON ( – According to Nellie Gray, president of the March for Life Fund, the official estimate of the attendance at yesterday's March for Life was 100,000. Gray said the wide line of the March took well over one and a half hours to pass one point. Some veteran Canadian pro-life leaders at the march strongly felt that the attendance was well over 100,000.

While the report in the Washington Post quoted the 100,000 figure, other reports wildly underestimated the numbers. A report by United Press International called the March, “the smallest 'March for Life' in the event's history,” claiming a Capitol Police estimate of the crowd between 5,000 and 8,000 and topping at 15,000. Most media reports on the March failed to mention specific estimates but underestimated the numbers by reporting “thousands,” rather than “tens of thousands” participated.

Numerous calls to Capitol Police were unreturned by press time.

See the March coverage from the Washington Post and UPI.

(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

Christian Doctors: Adult Stem Cells Are the Real Cure

Washington, DC — As a just-released report on research at the University of Minnesota reveals what is described as possibly the “most important cell ever discovered”, the nation's largest faith-based physicians' organization says the findings provide wonderful hope for patients and should end the push to clone and destroy embryonic human beings.

“Cells taken ethically from adults with no loss of life have already shown tremendous potential and proven benefits. This discovery should remove any last vestiges of doubt in the lifesaving potential of adult stem cells. As many had predicted, it now appears that adult stem cells are the avenues to providing real cures for real people,” observed Christian Medical Association Executive Director David Stevens, MD.

Dr. Stevens added, “If the remarkable results of this study prove consistent with early published reports, then no reasonable person could justify violating ethical barriers to clone and harvest human embryos for their cells.”

According to a just-released report in today's, Catherine Verfaillie at the University of Minnesota discovered cells in the bone marrow of adults that “can turn into every single tissue in the body.”

Princeton University's Ihor Lemischka has labeled the work “very exciting,” noting that the cells “can differentiate into pretty much everything that an embryonic stem cell can differentiate into.”

Dr. Stevens added, “Given this breakthrough news and the consistent performance of adult stem cells, if you were investing in the stock of companies pursuing therapies from adult stem cells or from cloned human embryonic stem cells, where would you put your money?”

(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to or email

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