By Pavel Chichikov
I saw the circled universe
Around a fruiting tree
Inside a room in Florence –
Saint John's Baptistry
Yellow scales on which I read
A metaphor of history
God creates the live and dead
Though how He does is mystery
Adam, Eve, the serpentry
Move together end to end
Angels lead tremendously
Teach and trumpet or defend
Wind and water, Noah's ark
Follow angels in the dark,
Christ the savior judges, saves
Sails with Noah through the waves
Grief and darkness, God is killed,
Freedom willing – God has willed
Dead and living see His throne
Love has baptized every bone
Hell and Heaven, one by one
Kneel before God's only Son
East by west the angels sing
The north and south of everything
Round and round the pictures fold
A starry skep He made of gold,
Honey in an octagon
Is what the blessed feed upon
(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may visit Pavel's website at