Not As Man Sees Does God See

1 Sam 16:1-13 / Mk 2:23-28

King Saul made the ultimate foolish choice: he refused to trust the God who made him and who had given him the kingship. Instead, he turned inward upon himself, with predictably disastrous results. There would have to be a new king, but God warned Samuel to judge more astutely this time. “Man sees the appearance, but the Lord looks into the heart.” Samuel listened to the Lord and ended up selecting the youngest and least likely of the candidates, David, a youth of pure heart, who became a great king.

It’s so easy to get caught in the trap of judging by appearances, rejecting too quickly what may have hidden merits, and giving our applause and our hearts to what glitters, but has no staying power. It’s especially hurtful when we do that to our fellow human beings.

Seeing as God sees takes time and requires an open and discerning spirit that is willing to be surprised, and willing to see goodness, truth and beauty in the most unexpected places. Seeing as God sees is not only a more truthful way of living, it’s a lot happier way of living as well.

Let the truth set you free.