New Scholarship Program Offered for Relatives of Deacons

DAYTON, Ohio — While the number of Catholic priests in the United States continues to decline, the number of permanent deacons is on the rise.

To support the growing ranks of this ordained ministry, the University of Dayton (Ohio) is offering $4,000 undergraduate scholarships for the children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews of permanent deacons — up to $20,000 over five years. The scholarship will be added to any other scholarships for which prospective students may be eligible.

The first awards will be given for the fall 2005 semester. The deadline for application is April 1, 2005. The program is funded with a $500,000 gift from an anonymous donor who values Catholic higher education.

“The new deacon scholarship program is a perfect fit with the University of Dayton’s Catholic, Marianist tradition,” said Fran Evans, the University’s vice president for advancement. “Deacons play a critical ministerial role in today’s Church. These scholarships will help them educate their children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews at one of the finest Catholic universities in the nation.”

According to the 2005 Catholic Almanac, since 2002, the number of US priests has decreased more than 3 percent — from 45,713 to 44,212. During the same period, the number of permanent deacons rose by more than 6 percent — from 13,764 to 14,693. The permanent diaconate is one of the three ordained offices in the Catholic Church, the other two being priest and bishop. Married or single men can be ordained to the permanent diaconate at age 35. In addition to other ministries, permanent deacons baptize and officiate at weddings, funerals, and prayer services. They do not celebrate the Mass or administer the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation, or Anointing of the Sick.

The University of Dayton is a top-10 Catholic University and a top-100 national university. The university was selected by the Templeton Foundation as having one of the nation's best service-learning programs, which encourages students to contribute and learn through volunteer activity and boasts one of the world's largest campus ministry programs. For more information about the University of Dayton and the deacon scholarship program, call 800-837-7433 or visit

(This article courtesy of the University of Dayton.)

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