by Charles Nunez, Jr.
A casual observer of the recent census and of culture in general will conclude that the family unit is in trouble. As well-known family and education leader, William Bennett, warns, family life is the social issue of our time.
This stark realization has led Tom Mammoser and John Madigan to publish a new magazine designed to portray what a good family can be, even with the natural challenges of life. Their hope is that the magazine will be so enticing and refreshing that it sparks a national discussion on the state of family life in America.
If early responses are any indication, this new publication, Becoming Family, could set a new standard in the family magazine publishing business. The first issue was released in November 2000 and has received excellent reviews.
What Is Unique About Becoming Family?
Most importantly, the magazine highlights the beauty of family life. Becoming Family is visually appealing, with wholesome covers and entertaining articles that don’t come across simply as an encyclopedia of secrets. “That is why people enjoy the publication,” Madigan says. “These are stories of real families who are growing in lifelong relationships.”
The folks at Becoming Family are encouraging the values and deeper commitment that leads to stronger families. They are introducing into the marketplace the idea that, as Mammoser puts it, “the family is the best place in which to face life’s challenges and experience its joys.”
Editor Peg Short says, “I think people are inspired when they learn that other families have experienced difficulties and problems, but they have learned that love and commitment can see them through. These families can help serve as role models.”
Short has long been committed to strengthening families. Prior to becoming editor-in-chief of the magazine, she was involved in the development of book and audio products for Focus on the Family. Her move to Becoming Family was an effort to help reach families through a national newsstand publication that would speak to the 35 million families raising children today.
Charles Nuñez, Jr. is with the Michigan Family Forum. A free copy of the Premier issue of Becoming Family can be obtained by visiting the magazine's website.
(This article courtesy of Agape Press.)