“Millions of Americans are sick and tired of their tax dollars being used to underwrite Planned Parenthood — the largest abortion chain and most aggressive promoter of sexual immorality in our nation,” said David Bereit, executive director of American Life League. “On the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that forced abortion upon all 50 states, American Life League is launching an aggressive nationwide campaign to stop every dollar of Planned Parenthood taxpayer funding at the local, state, and national levels.”
American Life League launched the first public phase of its campaign of education, recruitment, and mobilization of concerned citizens from among the hundreds of thousands of people gathering in Washington, D.C., on Monday, January 23, to mark the tragic anniversary of the Roe decision. Additionally, a new web site has been established at StopPlannedParenthoodTaxFunding.com.
“Since the Roe v. Wade decision, Planned Parenthood has aborted more than three million innocent American children, and scarred countless women for a lifetime,” said Bereit. “Six states have already blocked Planned Parenthood taxpayer funding, and American Life League is working to build on this momentum and achieve similar results in the remaining 44 states.”
According to its latest annual report, Planned Parenthood took in more than $265 million in federal, state and local tax funding in the last fiscal year, amounting to approximately one-third of the organization's income. “Planned Parenthood will not survive without our taxpayer dollars,” said Bereit. “That's why people of faith and conscience are uniting in historic numbers to hit the abortion giant where it hurts the most — in the pocketbook.”
Bereit added, “We will not stop until Planned Parenthood ceases to receive taxpayer funding and shuts its doors forever.”
(This update courtesy of the American Life League.)