National Adoption Month Highlights the Adoption Option

Washington, DC — This November, during National Adoption Month, those who have brought a new face into their homes will tell you it's not only good for children, but it's also a reflection of God's love for us.

Scott and Cindy Covington, for instance, had long dreamed of adopting. Along the way, they learned more about China's policy of only one child per family and all the abandoned babies that are sitting in orphanages.

“Because I'm Chinese we thought, 'Gosh, what a great opportunity for us to take home some of these children and take care of them,' ” Cindy Covington said.

So the Covingtons conquered reams of paperwork, flew across the Pacific and saw 14-month-old Stephanie for the first time.

“And that was the coolest feeling — all of a sudden there she was and she was ours,” said Scott Covington.

Now, there's a 5-year-old singer in the house.

Susan Horner, co-author of “Loved by Choice,” a collection of adoption stories, tells of a crying newborn, passed from the birth mother to the social worker to the adoptive mom.

“She just placed the crying baby into the new adoptive papa's arms, and immediately he just quit crying, took a breath like, 'I'm home,' and he just relaxed,” Horner recalled.

Wendy Wright, senior director of policy at Concerned Women for America, is also a big fan of adoption.

“Adoption is one of the most beautiful examples of God's love for us, because God adopted us,” Wright said.

Cindy Covington added: “Here's something we tell Stephanie: We say, 'Stephanie, you were a little girl who had no parents, and we were parents that had no little girl. And God chose that you should come and stay and live with us.”

More than 130,000 children in the United States are looking for a home.

(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to or email

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