Narcissistic Generation

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[Editor’s note: The following letter is in response to the Words of Encouragement, New Generation, Old Treasures!]

Dear Mr. Shea,

Being a member of what you describe “… as the most narcissistic generation in the history of the world …”, I'm inclined to ask by whose authority you condemn milllions of Americans? I often wish that journalists who issue blanket statements such as yours were required to publish proof of their assertions or, if not, go before a jury to be tried for perjury. I will not bore you with details, but my family and friends would prove you wrong on every count. Sorry if my journalistic skills don't measure up, but then I never go public with my opinions anyway. Be mighty careful with the vocation God has blessed you.


D. A. Nezat

Dear D. A. Nezat,

Being a member of the Boomer Generation myself, I reply “My heart (I need no other) sheweth me the wickedness of the ungodly.” A generation that could (while young) shout “Never trust anyone over thirty,” and (a few years later) lead the charge for abortion on demand, is a generation that fits the profile I describe pretty well. There's a reason the 70s were called the “Me Decade.” We were pampered and self-absorbed and we still are, by and large.

Mark Shea

Senior Content Editor

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