NARAL Infiltrates Pregnancy Centers

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Sterling, VA — Eleven national pro-life organizations have joined to

denounce a new attack by the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights

Action League (NARAL) against pregnancy centers, according to Lynn Bisbee,

vice-president of Care Net. In a recently published guide, NARAL, the

leading pro-abortion advocacy group in the United States, directs

activists to pose as fake clients and to secretly record conversations

inside pregnancy centers that promote positive alternative to abortion.

In the United States, there are nearly 2500 pregnancy centers that offer

free pregnancy services to women facing unplanned pregnancies, says

Bisbee. NARAL's new campaign aims to weaken pregnancy centers by creating

negative publicity and laying the groundwork for lawsuits and restrictive


“As pregnancy centers increasingly empower women to choose positive

options, it is not surprising that those who promote abortion as an easy

solution become more opposed to our work,” says Bisbee. Care Net, an

organization with over 600 affiliated pregnancy centers, is one of eleven

organizations that has joined to publish a booklet exposing NARAL's newly

orchestrated campaign against pregnancy centers.

NARAL's new guide admits that pregnancy centers are growing in strength

and are enjoying increased national credibility. A 1998 marketing study

supported by the Family Research Council found that a substantial majority

of respondents believed that pregnancy centers had a positive impact on

the women they served. Even 86% of respondents who described themselves as pro-choice agreed that pregnancy centers had a positive impact on clients.

To counter this trend, NARAL seeks to expose instances of improper client

treatment and possible racial discrimination. NARAL urges activists to

conduct undercover investigations “posing as women who fear unintended

pregnancies.” NARAL also encourages activists to equip “volunteer

investigators with tape recorders so that they can secretly tape”

interactions inside the center. Secretly recording private conversations

is illegal in several states.

As NARAL's campaign unfolds, many Care Net centers are reporting suspected

encounters with fake clients, according to Bisbee. NARAL reports that

orchestrated undercover investigations have begun in at least two states.

In Maryland, NARAL has joined forces with Planned Parenthood in an effort

known as “The Clarity Campaign.” This direct mail campaign is designed to

mobilize up to 10,000 new activists and to expose the “anti-choice” agenda

of pregnancy centers, according to Planned Parenthood of Maryland's


NARAL also urges activists to post negative flyers near pregnancy centers

or at nearby campuses. The sample flyers in NARAL's guide include blanket

accusations that pregnancy centers deceive, mislead and pressure women.

NARAL, however, does not advise activists to verify the truth of any of

these accusations before posting flyers near a particular center. These

tactics, according to Bisbee, have unfairly slandered at least two Care

Net centers. In Cleveland, Ohio, a NARAL poster was found in front of a

Care Net center stating that the center used deceptive tactics and false

information to frighten women. In Tacoma, Washington, NARAL posters were

taped over a Care Net center's paid advertisement at a local campus. These

posters stated that the Tacoma pregnancy center gave “medically false

information” and was “not safe.” Kim Triller, Executive Director of the

Tacoma center, responds, “Our pregnancy center offers safe medical

services and provides accurate information. It is sad and ironic that

NARAL uses such false information to attack our center.”

Bisbee remains encouraged about the work of pregnancy centers, “Pregnancy

centers are making a positive difference in the lives of thousands of

women every day. Our hope is that this situation will only strengthen the

resolve of every center to continue serving clients with excellence.”

Click here for a list of pregnancy care centers around the country.

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