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[Editor’s Note: The following letter is in response to Russell Shaw’s article, Da Vinci Lessons.]
Dear Catholic Exchange:
I agreed with Mr. Shaw’s article about the movie industry's part in the war against faith, the illiteracy of Catholics (and other Christians) and the crisis of trust.
The hope that is on my mind this morning is that the efforts of people like yourself and others who have some sort of pulpit will not change, now that the movie has been released and seen.
This is not time for the furor to die down, but for continuing in-depth discussion.
More people should be engaged in discussion. Even Catholic Exchange is only read by a small proportion of Catholics who are committed and well-educated and traditional in their faith. We still need DVD's and Study Groups and fresh responses to the questions raised by the film. Before the wolf was at the door; now the wolf is in the house. We must try harder than ever to combat it.
This wolf of doubt and lack of trust in religion is threatening everyone. We need a very active response to that fact. More than just offering opportunities to discuss, the Church should very actively engage in combat, firing back in the same media, and with other strategies. Call a war council of people in Catholic media and start stockpiling weapons.
Anne O'Mara
Lyons, NE