Mother’s Day without Babies

“How is it possible for Planned Parenthood, operator of the nation's largest chain of abortion clinics, to conduct a fundraising campaign with a Mother's Day theme?” asked American Life League president Judie Brown. “It's simply horrifying to think that anyone involved in abortion &#0151 even Planned Parenthood &#0151 could have the audacity to claim any association at all with a day designed to salute a mother's selfless love for her children.”

Over the years, Planned Parenthood has committed more than three million abortions. “That's three million instances in which mothers permitted their children to be killed at this organization's hands,” said Mrs. Brown. “For many of these women, Mother's Day is an annual reminder of the unspeakable evil they permitted to be perpetrated on their own flesh and blood.”

A recent e-mail communication from Jatrice Martel Gaiter, CEO of Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, D.C., urged supporters to “honor your mother in a very special way” with a financial contribution to Planned Parenthood. Gaiter said that at Planned Parenthood's Washington affiliate, “Mother's Day also reminds us of our mission &#0151 to ensure that every child is wanted, nurtured, and enormously loved.”

“Can Planned Parenthood be serious?” asked Mrs. Brown. “Ms. Gaiter's words have a ghastly ring to them. How is it that a beautiful baby, which she describes as 'nurtured and enormously loved,' can be violently put to death in the offices that she oversees? And how could it be that such a 'service' be funded in honor of the woman who gave life to these potential contributors?”

Mrs. Brown said it's no secret that many women who abort their children suffer physically, emotionally and psychologically for years after the abortion. Post-abortion counselors say the grief is especially intense on the anniversary of the abortion, the anniversary of the baby's due date &#0151 and on Mother's Day. “If anyone wishes to eliminate such suffering for the next generation of mothers, the last thing they should do is to fund this purveyor of death,” she said. “We encourage all pro-life Americans to put a stop to Planned Parenthood's largest contribution &#0151 the $265 million this organization gets every year from our federal, state and local tax dollars. This latest atrocity should be the final straw. Enough is enough!”

(This update courtesy of the American Life League.)

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