Dear Catholic Exchange,
A group of 12 Catholic men in the Kissimmee, Florida area get together every other week at a local restaurant for bible study. We started this bible study group about a year ago. We started with your Genesis bible study. We fell in love with the format, as it suited our “beginner” status and ability to go at our own pace. At the time, the bible study was provided free of charge through a download. We donated once. We were about to donate again but that was about the time we found out that you were discontinuing the downloads. We were prepared to order the booklets for each person, but the entire series was discontinued to make way for your new group format. We checked into this new format but it doesn't work for our group.
In an effort to find something similar, we found the Galatians bible study on the Catholic Exchange bookstore, which is the same format as the Genesis bible study we fell in love with. We are almost complete with Galatians and need to decide what is next. That brings me to a proposition. Since you have already developed other bible studies in this format, we ask that you provide us with all of the studies you have created thus far. We would be willing to submit a donation to Catholic Exchange for each study provided.
Please consider this plea, this bible study has been successful beyond imagination and we hope to keep it going. Thanks in advance.
May God always be with Catholic Exchange,
Willy Alvarado and the men from Kissimmee
Dear Willy,
Thank you for your email and your kind words about our Bible Studies. We truly appreciate your interest.
While we cannot provide you with copies of all our studies, you can order 12 copies of one of our studies since there are 12 in your group. After all, you can only do one study at a time anyway. All you have to do is sign up as a Study Leader on our website: One of our Regional Directors will then contact you and will answer any questions you may have. Currently we have three studies available to choose from: Exodus, The Gospel of John and Revelation.
I’m sure you saw on our website that our program is usually 30 weeks and this is probably why you feel that it can’t work for your group. However, we do have a shorter study on Ephesians available in a coil bound book that I think would be perfect for you. It’s a 10 lesson study and we provide a set of “suggested responses” with it. It’s $20 per book. This study is not part of our program, i.e., it doesn’t have additional resource materials available on the website or lecture notes nor does it have the DVD lectures on each lesson as our regular program studies do.
If you’d like to order the Ephesians studies, please go to our website and login as a Study Leader. As stated above, a Regional Director will then contact you and help you place your order.
Gail Buckley, Executive Director
Catholic Scripture Study International
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