The first reading is about the first two children of Adam and Eve. God favored Abel and, in his envy and resentment, Cain killed his brother.
Indeed this is the history of mankind, that men, even brothers, quarrel and fight, from envy or other reasons. Why are we envious of others who do well? Why do we compare our gifts and talents with others? God loves each one of us and we should believe in his kindness to each one of us. Each one of us is so special to him, he knows each one of us like the palm of his hand that his Son died for each one of us.
The Pharisees were envious of Jesus and wanted to embarrass and discredit him; later they would plot to kill him. Many followed Jesus and were impressed with his teaching and miracles. To embarrass him they asked for a sign which Jesus refused to give: they had his word and actions which they refused to see.
Let us ask God for the grace and wisdom to see his ways and actions in our lives.