Homily of the Day

Monday of the Second Week of Easter

The gospel speaks about baptism. Do we understand what our baptism is?We received baptism when we were infants and since then have matured but still we are unaware of its depth and richness. Jesus told Nicodemus that there is a need to be born again because flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of God, only the man of the spirit can. Flesh means human frailty.

On our own we cannot know divine realities, because we live according to our reason and inclination. Through Christ’s merit we have access to a new life. Because he took upon himself our flesh and in it passed judgment against sin. In our flesh he became victorious. Baptism realizes this in us. Scripture already foretold of baptism like the passage of Israel through the Red Sea that delivered them from servitude, likewise Noah’s crossing over the flood. The flesh an instrument of sin is killed in the waters of baptism and at the same time we become people of the spirit, sharer of the life of God. Baptism strips the man of flesh and it clothes us with the Spirit. Making it possible for us to live the life of Christ, we become the temple of the Spirit, an adopted child of the Father, co-heir and sibling of Christ. Our actions should reflect this reality living in us.

If God is our Father then we should act and think like Him. There is an image mentioned by Christ in the gospel that is the Wind. It comes and goes totally abandoned to the will of the Father. Are we like this wind?