Homily of the Day

Monday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

In both passages, faith plays an important role in the divine healing. A man named Jairus braves a crowd to get to Jesus. He believes that with Jesus, everything is possible and that his daughter will live again. This strong faith prompts our Lord to bring his daughter back to life. A woman, who has been bleeding for twelve years, approaches Jesus and touches his cloak. She believes that just by touching his cloak, she will be healed. Faith alone brings healing to her.

These days we tend to take for granted the blessings we receive, and when we find ourselves lost in a tragic situation, we pray a little and complain when things don’t improve, showing that we are men of little faith. True faith surpasses time and the situation. When we have faith, we trust, we believe, and we go through a challenge knowing that we can overcome the trials that come our way. When we put our trust in God, we know that in time, we will be healed.