Homily of the Day

Memorial of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church

When was the last time we committed sin? Was it worth doing? Have we ever thought of anyone whom we may have violated doing such an act?
Were we ever satisfied after violating God’s commandments?

Committing a sin is an act that takes us away from God’s grace and blessings. Life spent committing sin is a life not lived well; in like manner with money not well spent or even worse. There are many temptations that will entice us to commit sin. However; it is still our prerogative that prevails.

Each one of us is prone to committing sin; in fact, even before we are born, each one of us already inherits one sin — original sin. No matter what kind of sin we commit, we should ask for God’s forgiveness and accept what His judgment will be. That is why every Roman Catholic should receive the Sacrament of Baptism shortly after birth.

Let us keep in mind that our Father has given us His only Son to be our salvation. Jesus has been very generous to us while he was here on earth. Don’t allow temptations and emotions control us. Let us think before we act.