Homily of the Day

Memorial of Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Today is the feast day of St. Augustine, bishop and doctor of the Church. St. Augustine was born in Tagaste in Africa. He received a Christian education, although he was not baptized until he was 33 years of age. He was ordained priest at 37 and became bishop of Hippo at 42. He was a great spiritual writer and pastor. For 34 years he guided his flock, instructing them with sermons and many writings. He fought bravely against the errors of his time and explained the faith carefully and cogently. He died at age 76.

Even though Augustine lived from 354-430 A.D., his writings continue to guide us. Christians nowadays are thirsty for serious religious teachings because there are so many pagan influences in our lives now. Some priests do not seriously teach God’s Word. Their sermons and homilies are intended just to entertain or amuse the people. But what we need is solid doctrine because that will counteract all the false teachings we receive from family, society and sometimes, the government. The writings and teachings of the Fathers of the Church, including St. Augustine, are a treasure that we must receive from Church leaders. God’s Word must be seriously and cogently explained to us so we can discern gospel truth from human falsehoods.