Making Mornings Easier

It can be challenging to get out of the house in the morning, especially if children are involved in the process. Here are a few simple ways to help make mornings easier:

1) Do whatever you can the night before – lay out clothes, make lunches, and make sure all papers that need to go back to school are in the appropriate backpack. Make sure that anything you yourself need for the morning is ready as well and by the door for easy access on the way out.

2) Allow yourself enough time in the morning. If you know your children are going to whine, factor that in. Get up a little before they do, if possible, to get yourself put together first so that then you just have to worry about them.

3) Take time to pray. The old adage "I was so busy I had to take time to pray" is very true. A few moments spent dedicating the day to God are well worth it.

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Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur writes from western Massachusetts where she lives with her husband and two sons. A Senior Editor with Catholic, she blogs at

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