One daily task that can greatly increase our personal productivity, whether at work or at home, is our proper handling of mail. Just a few pointers when it comes to opening and dealing with mail:
- The current cost of a stamp is .39 . Given this rising cost, consider doing more of your mail work via email or online. The single best example of this is paying bills online. Many banks offer free online banking. Have those old .37 stamps around – count them up and order .02 stamps online.
- Mail Theft – Mail and identity theft crimes are, unfortunately, running rampant. Invest in a locking mailbox, a P.O. Box or make it a priority to pick up your mail as quickly as possible upon delivery. NEVER place outgoing mail in your home mail box, especially if it contains checks or account information. Time spent properly handling incoming and outgoing mail now could save you hours of headaches down the line.
- Shred it! When it doubt, shred incoming credit card offers, items with personal information and expired credit cards with a high quality shredder. If you don't own a shredder, check with local office supply vendors who frequently hold shredding events in-store or with your local police station for their recommendations.
- Touch it as few times as possible. Create a system for dealing with mail that is front-end loaded. Is the item something that can be handled immediately? Then do it! If not, decide on your next action item for each piece of mail and create a mail center that becomes your organizational home for handling mail. In this center, keep mailing supplies, file folders, stamps, preprinted return address labels and anything else you need to touch the mail as few times as possible. Having a centralized mail processing center in your home or workplace avoids loss and delay in handling bills and correspondence.
- Recycle please! I just read that over four million tons of junk mail is produced yearly. Get yourself off as many mail order lists as possible and put a stop to those pre-approved credit card offers as well. It's great for time management and for our planet.
What's your favorite mail-handling tip or idea? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!