
(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may visit Pavel's website at

by Pavel Chichikov

A small green meadow floating on water

Dragonfly wings that feather their oars,

Harlequin props that wave – there are four –

The delicate lashes of green-eyed summer

A yelp from a frog – it breaks through the skin

Of the alga-light-green covering –

Chestnut craters vanish as soon

As algae float in and heal the wounds

Bent reeds bow at the famished fish

Who nibble the bottom of this green dish –

Mosquito larvae, goggled-eyed imps

Bubble their microscopic lips

Rich are the curved and supple reeds

Who bobble the edges where they feed

On nitrogen mud their slim address,

Till nightfall calms these restless rest

Green-eyed summer leans against fall

Who loves but ends this green pastoral

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