What a Great Site!
What a great site! Your materials are like a breath of fresh air. I wonder why it is so hard to hear of sites like yours & exposure to the thinking you present.
The faithful here in Phoenix, AZ, could benefit from the ideas you present. I applaud your work.
George Garbell
Phoenix, AZ
Thank you very much for your kind words, Mr. Garbell. Please do make us your homepage and utilize our services to your heart's content. If you can support us financially it would be greatly appreciated.
In Christ,
Tom Allen
Editor, Catholic Exchange
Locating a Past Article
Hello —
Thank you so much for being here for all of us. This site is AWESOME! I wanted to know if you could help me access an article from the past. I do not remember the name of the article or the date, but it was definitely this week. It was a Touched By Grace article having to do with the secularists not complaining about prayer in schools during this time of tragedy. Can you please help? Thank you.
José G. Rodríguez
Account Consultant
Thanks for writing in, Mr. Rodriguez. The article you are looking for is here. We appreciate your support of Catholic Exchange.
In Christ,
Tom Allen
Editor, CE
Raves for Catholic Scripture Study
Dear Catholic Exchange:
I just got my first look at your Bible study and am very impressed and grateful for this excellent work. I love how you relate Scripture to the Catechism.
My check is in the mail.
Tom Heinrichs
Dear Mr. Heinrichs,
We're glad you've discovered our Catholic Scripture Study (CSS). You're not the only one who's done so lately. Since we converted to non-profit status in July, there's been an explosion in our CSS subscriptions, and we're fast approaching the 10,000 subscription level. Our goal, of course, is to get all Catholics to read and understand the Bible, because the only effect that can possibly have is to stregthen and energize the faithful, and thereby build God's Kingdom.
We appreciate your support and prayers.
In Christ,
Tom Allen
Editor, CE
Truth Tracts is Very Cool
Hey you are doing excellent work, guys. I am just reading the Truth Tracts and they are a blessing for me. Cool!!!
It is so important to me to have good foundation in my Catholic faith, what we believe and who we are. You'll recall that I am working in an ecumenical ministry, so I am exposed to Christian diversity, which is cool, but requires a strong foundation in my own church.
For instance, I went to visit my chaplain, and I went with another friend who is an evangelical. He knows nothing about the Catholic church so he asked me why did I genuflect every time I come to church. I did my best to explain the reason to him and I wasn't far from a good answer but I found the perfect answer in the Truth Tracts and sent it to him. Cool!!!
Well, I am tired. Time to go to bed. Tom, can you pray for an important outreach event we're going to have on Thursday? Thanks.
Ok, chao.
In Christ,
Juan Carlos
You're in my prayers, JC. May the Lord bless your efforts to build up the Church in Nicaragua.
In Christ,
(Send your Viewer Letter to articles@CatholicExchange.com.)
The Dangers of Being Right
Dear Mark Shea,
Just read your 29 Sept editorial another great work. It reminded me of the prayer Gen George Patton had his chaplain (a Catholic priest) write during the Battle of the Bulge in Dec 1944. I have a copy (I'm an incurable collector of these sorts of things) and thought I'd share it with you (for a story about the prayer in Msgr O'Neill's own words, see: www.geocities.com):
Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations.
Msgr. James H. O'Neill
Chaplain, United States 3rd Army
God Bless,
The Wisdom of Chiropractic Care
Dear Sirs,
I don't know how the piece about the “Subluxation Station” managed to
find it's way onto the Catholic Exchange website, but it concerns me that, by doing so, this most admirable website is giving credence to at best a questionable “science” in chiropractic.
Truth told, there is no credible evidence showing the “misalignment” of
vertebrae associated with physical ailments (other than neurological
sequelae resulting from congenital malformations or high-impact
traumatic injury). Unfortunately, there are many chiropractors in this country promoting their 'treatments' as helpful in ailments ranging from asthma to ear infections. That's not only bad science, it's fraud.
I realize mine is a bias toward traditional medicine, but I believe
strongly that our faith should be in God…everyone else has to “show me the money”. In other words, until chiropractors can show me legitimate proof that their field is anything other than expensive physical therapy, I'll put my trust in allopathic/osteopathic medicine. Your readers deserve the same discriminating efforts.
Mike A., M.D.
Dear Mike,
Thanks for your feedback. As you know, Catholic Exchange endeavors to be more than just your run-of-the-mill religious website. We try to maintain a unique balance between faith and “whole life” content so as to draw our brothers and sisters in the faith who are perhaps less engaged, less fortified, less catechized than you and I. Our statistics demonstrate that we're achieving this goal.
That, in a nutshell, is why an article such as “A Breakthrough for Chiropractic Patients” is featured in our Health channel. The other reason is that in the last few weeks I personally received expert chirporactic care (and for the first time became acquainted with the term “subluxation”) and was relieved of back and neck pain that had plagued me for the last several years. Consequently I developed a high level of respect for the particular chiropractor I've been seeing.
Catholic Exchange is certainly not suggesting that one should believe in chiropractics to the exclusion of God Almighty. We're just passing along information relevant to Catholics who, after all, are regular people called to be in the world but not of the world.
We appreciate your support.
In Christ,
Tom Allen
Editor, President
Catholic Exchange